Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Countdown to Halloween Spooky Books - M

One of my favorite artists is Jon J. Muth and I have gushed many times before on this blog and elsewhere my love for Dracula: A Symphony In Moonlight & Nightmares. However, that is by no means the extend of my fondness for his work. My second favorite project by him is his adaptation of Fritz Lang's M. I enjoyed very much when it was originally released in 1990, but even more so the hardcover collection that was done four years ago.

The original film is a haunting look at the darkness of man. Muth's version is not a photo-realistic portrait of every frame, but like seeing an alternate take. It honors the work but also stands on its own. When I recall events from the story sometimes it is difficult to remember if it was in the film or in the comic. A classic work of a classic!

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