Sunday, July 12, 2009

HeroesCon Sketches

Hard for me to believe that HeroesCon was three weeks ago! I just got around to scanning my sketches this week and they are sweet! I got more this year than at any other con I've been to and I didn't even spend a lot to get them. Hope y'all enjoy them as much as I do!

Dian Belmont - Guy Davis
Guy is kind enough to draw free head sketches all weekend. Last year, I was excited to have a Wesley Dodds Sandman by Davis added to my sketchbook and now Wes is joined by his love, Dian Belmont.

Doctor Who & Martha Jones - Kelly Yates
Kelly was handed a double-edge sword filling in for Pia Guerra in the Doctor Who: The Forgotten mini-series, but his work more than holds its own IMHO. Be sure to check out his creator-owned Amber Atoms series too.

Black Beetle by Francesco Francavilla
What can I say about the amazing style of FF that I haven't already said before? He's got a new project - Black Beetle. This sketch was added to the back of my copy of the preview issue which is quite the teaser. I want more!!!

Frank by Dave Wachter
Dave included individual sketches on the back covers of the preview edition of The Guns of Shadow Valley, which was another teaser that left me wanting more. All for a mere $2! IMHO, the best deal of the show!

Kit Fisto by Chad Cicconi
I think it is obvious that Chad knows that Kit Fisto Rules! Chad was in Charlotte with PKD Media and it was great chatting with all the guys in the booth. See more of his work on his online art journal.

Kit Fisto by Dustin Nguyen
I am a big fan of Dustin's work and picked up a print of his watercolor Bat-family poster. He's also done one for Marvel characters and based on the Kit Fisto head sketch he graced me with, I hope he does a Star Wars themed group pic sometime. That would be sweeeeet!

Scarlet O'Neil by Michelle Poust
I'm always looking for alternate takes on this classic character, and Michelle gave her a great modern makeover! See more of her work at HAC-Studios at deviantART.

1 comment:

C. Cicconi said...

Yes, Kit Fisto does indeed rule.